
You Gotta Come Back

I once found a message in a bottle in the ocean while out on a jet ski. I returned the note and bottle to the sea. That’s the magic of Barbados.
Who finds a bottle with a mesage in it?

She loved him but they couldn’t be together.

The world is as big or small as you choose.  Seeing sunsets, endless beaches, and school children playing outside in uniforms, brings me joy.  I will forever wander the world because I never get tired of tasting new adventures and Barbados has a lot to offer a soul like me.

Barbados is small but it’s if full of friendly people, beautiful beaches, lovely greenery and the bluest seas.  From sunrise to sunset, you experience the joy of being in paradise. Of course, the rum helps. 

You can visit the island many times, but you must come back for there is so much to enjoy. Check out my storyline of 10 ways I enjoy Barbados.