
Take Five

Day 9 of The Forty Plan

I knew today would be a long one. Cooking with Mom. Putting more Christmas lights out with Mom. Mowing the yard on Christmas Eve with Mom. Picking mustard greens with Mom. And I love it. I appreciate that she’s able to get around physically and that her mind is still sharp. And I’m Grateful that I can be here for her favorite holiday.

So I pulled this card early today and I thought how appropriate. HOW CAN I TAKE A MOMENT FOR MYSELF TODAY?

A Shower that’s how and in the middle of the day. I know I am better when I give myself time to exhale and I really mean exhale. I want to give the best energy to my Mom and those around me so I will take five and another five every opportunity I get.

Sunset in the country.

Happy Holidays Folks. Wishing you relaxing days with those you love, starting with Numero Uno and if you start to feel some kinda way…Take Five.