
I Feel It

I’m feeling this Forty Day Plan.

Day 29 of The Forty Day Plan

Exhale. Contradiction. Inhale. Forgiveness.

Ya’ll. I take three conscious breaths most every morning and night. I feel my body expanding and contracting. My body likes it, and it brings me to into the current moment.

When I pulled todays card, I instantly thought of Ho’oponopono, which is a Hawaiian practice of reconciliation and forgiveness.

Today’s card from Barbara’s Faison’s Relax, Listen and Trust Your Inner Guidance card deck is a Listen card:

“My Body Reminds Me to Forgive Myself”.

Barbara’s Faison’s Relax, Listen and Trust Your Inner Guidance card deck .

Forgive Me, Myself and I

Yesterday’s post was about GRACE – and I spoke of some negative character traits of BEING HUMAN and GRACE. So I won’t go into what or why I need to FORGIVE MYSELF.

My body TELLS me WHEN I need to forgive myself. I feel it in like an extra layer of invisible skin. I don’t know about you, but I’m carring enough around already.

What the Hokey Pokey Ho’oponopono?
Ho’oponopono is one of many tools that help me live life better. When my soul feels disturbed, I can say the words –
I’m Sorry, Please Forgive Me, Thank You, I Love You,
and my body to releases tension, and relaxes. I breath deeper and longer and feel the energy of the words in my body.

I don’t need my ego co-signing my behaviors. I will use the many tools I’ve gained to live life better and yes, I will forgive myself as often as I get that “feeling”. Enjoy the music!