
All Smiles

Now if this don’t make you smile…

Day 22 of The Forty Day Plan

I started doing 40 days of Focus on December 16, 2007 at a time in life where I felt lost. I didn’t know what to do next and I felt angry at how my life was going in spite of being “a good person”.

Forty days of focus wasn’t a divine invention of my own, but it was divine intervention in my life. Divine because I was at the right place physically, – my mom’s nursing my broken heart, and emotionally at a place where my heart was soft enough to receive the challenge to pick something and do it for forty days.

I created the The Forty Day Plan after doing 40 days of focus for four years, combining other tools I found that help us LIVE LIFE BETTER. You can read more about here: Here I Go Again

Relax, Listen and Trust Your Inner Guidance Cards by Barbara J Faison

We either make ourselves miserable, or we make ourselves happy. The amount of work is the same. – Carlos Castaneda.


The card inspiration for today is: I SMILE at MYSELF from Barbara Faisons Relax, Listen and Trust Your Inner Guidance Card deck.

I feel good about the person I AM right now. I feel good that in spite of setbacks, disappoints, upsets, and losses, that I smile often and for no other reason than KNOWING that all of my journey, past, future and PRESENT are about GROWTH.

I smile at myself because I KNOW things are always working out for me.
I smile at myself because I’m Human and even when I don’t know how in the $^%& this @*#& is gonna work out, that my part is to BELIEVE WHAT I KNOW, and let the UNIVERSE do it’s thing.

Enjoy this song…and LIVE LIFE BETTER!